Straightforward substitution using dropper, range grabber and rubber, with zoom as necessary:

Before continuing, here's a tip. Instead of using the rubber, the picture above can be processed as a whole, since the change has little effect on the black pins, and is entirely appropriate in the white surround to represent the coloured reflection of the transparent plastic. If you want to process the whole picture in one go instead of using the rubber, click on the "Marquee" tool on the Control Panel and click on the words tucked away in the bottom right-hand corner:

So here are some more done in one go:


Straightforward substitution using dropper, range grabber and rubber, with zoom as necessary:

In one go:


Straightforward substitution using dropper, range grabber and rubber, with zoom as necessary:


In this one, I cheated a little bit to make the yellow lighter. Can you find out how?


No cheating here!





All the original pictures above (the ones on the left) were obtained from:


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